Trans­fer of owner­ship

Trans­fer of owner­ship

Transfer of ownership

The contract owner is entitled to transfer, in specific cases, the ownership of a contract to another person or company. The transfer of ownership must always be reported to Mandatum in writing.

The transfer of ownership is possible in the following cases, for example:

  • Optimi Personal Risk Insurance is transferred to a new owner
  • A private customer’s capital redemption contract is transferred from the estate to a specified person
  • A company transfers a contract to the insured or another company

Transfers of ownership of pension insurance and investment insurance can only be carried out in exceptional cases. For more information on these, please contact our customer service.

Transferring Optimi Personal Risk Insurance to a new owner

Ownership can be transferred by reporting it to Mandatum through a message in the Web Service. The current owner of the insurance and the new owner must log in to the Web Service using their personal banking codes, and each must send messages through the Web Service’s Messages section while logged in. The current owner must indicate in the message that he or she wishes to transfer the insurance to the new owner. The new owner must indicate that he or she is willing to take on ownership of the insurance.

If it is not possible to use the Web Service, ownership can also be transferred using the “Transfer of ownership” form. The form is available at the end of this page. Send the form and any attachments by post to Mandatum Life Insurance Company Ltd., Asiakasposti / 2011, Kalevantie 3, 20520 Turku.

Transferring a private customer’s capital redemption contract from the estate to a specified person

A capital redemption contract owned by a private person will automatically transfer to the ownership of the estate when Mandatum has been notified of the death of the insured. If the contract has been consigned to a person named in the will, the will must be supplied to Mandatum so that the contract can be transferred to the new owner.

Send the will to Mandatum, either in Mandatum’s Web Service as an attachment to a message or by post to Mandatum Life Insurance Company Ltd., Asiakasposti / 2011, Kalevantie 3, 20520 Turku.

Transferring a contract owned by a company to a new owner

If a company wishes to transfer the ownership of a contract it owns to the insured or another company, the transfer must take place by filling in the “Transfer of ownership” form. The form is available at the end of this page. The form must be signed by both the current owner and the new owner. Any necessary attachments must be sent along with the form. These are specified on the form.

The form must be filled in carefully and returned with any attachments to Mandatum, either in Mandatum’s Web Service as an attachment to a message or by post to Mandatum Life Insurance Company Ltd., Asiakasposti / 2011, Kalevantie 3, 20520 Turku.
