Sustainability governance

Sustainability governance

We comply with valid legislation, norms and ethically sound practices in all of our operations. These principles, Mandatum’s values and strategy guide us in our decisions and everything we do.

In addition, sustainability work is steered by the following policies:


  • Mandatum’s Code of Conduct.
  • Supplementary policies. For responsibility, one of the key policies is the Responsible Investment Policy, which is approved by Mandatum Asset Management’s and Mandatum Life’s Boards of Directors. MAM’s and Mandatum Life’s Group Management Teams are responsible for implementing the policy in each Group company. Other significant policies in terms of responsibility include: the Mandatum Way, Compliance Policy, Internal Audit Policy, Risk Management Policy, Remuneration Policy, Data Protection Policy, Information Security Policy, Procurement Policy, Outsourcing Policy, principles on preventing money laundering and terrorist financing, engagement principles and Communications Policy.
  • The work is additionally supported by other guidelines.

The main responsibility for Mandatum’s responsibility management lies with the Group CEO. Mandatum’s corporate responsibility forum convenes regularly to discuss and promote responsibility topics. The forum is headed by the Group’s senior vice president in charge of responsibility (Senior Vice President, Marketing and Communications) and the key representatives of different functions are represented in the forum. The main issues related to responsibility are taken before the Business Management Groups. 

Mandatum’s Group Communications is responsible for developing, coordinating and communicating on sustainability work. It is also in charge of sustainability reporting and its cascading throughout the organisation. In addition to the sustainability principles and obligations specifically related to the financial sector, Mandatum complies with reporting obligations that apply to listed companies.

To promote themes, obligations and values related to the sustainability of investments, Mandatum has an appointed ESG committee. Responsible investment responsibilities and the division of tasks at Mandatum are described in more detail in the Responsible Investment Policy.
